Es un apetitivo en nuestra región ya que es muy
esquisito y de alta calidad en este
plato se encuentra las constumbres de colombia
y tambien que las cosas colombianas han de
gustar en todas partes y encontrarlas donde ballas.
Nuestra bandeja paisa colombiana contiene
arroz, frijoles, chorizo, huevo, limón, arepa,
costilla de res, carne asada,chicharron,
tajadas, rodajas de tomate.
la mayoria de los colombianos les gusta este
plato tan delicioso; lo pueden encontrar
en un restaurantede comidas tipicas.
Hasta los estranjeros visitan nuestro pais para
conocer todo sobre nosotros los colombianos y
sedan cuenta de todo lo que tenemos para mostrar.
Este plato es el que más gusta en el pais y
tambien a nivel internacional, gracias a los
estranjeros que llengan a visitar nuestro pais;
conocen de nuestras culturas, constumbres y
lo más importante de nuestra comida tipica.
Is a appeticing in ours region now what is very
delicius and of high quality, in east
plate to him encounter the customof
Colombia and also what the thing
colombianas a of to please in whole
share and encounter where go.
Ours tray paisa colombiana have rice, bean,
sausage, egg, lemon, col, chop of cattle,
meat roasted, crackling, cut, disk of
The majority of the Colombianos to the please
are plate as delicius; the by dint of
encounter in a restaurant of eat typical.
Until the foreing visiting our country for
know all above we the colombianos
and sedan tale of all the wath to have
for to demostrate.
East plate is the wath more please in the
country and also to level international,
thanks to the foreing wath arrive to
visited ours country, know of ours
cultore, custom and to more important of
ours our eat typical.
colombianas a of to please in whole
share and encounter where go.
Ours tray paisa colombiana have rice, bean,
sausage, egg, lemon, col, chop of cattle,
meat roasted, crackling, cut, disk of
The majority of the Colombianos to the please
are plate as delicius; the by dint of
encounter in a restaurant of eat typical.
Until the foreing visiting our country for
know all above we the colombianos
and sedan tale of all the wath to have
for to demostrate.
East plate is the wath more please in the
country and also to level international,
thanks to the foreing wath arrive to
visited ours country, know of ours
cultore, custom and to more important of
ours our eat typical.
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