Una de las sobremezas mas populares en Quimbaya es la mazamorra, ya que es muy deliciosa y se puede tomar a cualquier hora del dia. La mazamorra se puede comer con dulces como el bocadillo, la panela o con el mismo claro de la mazmorra, por eso es muy conocida la mazamorra en el municipio de Quimbaya.
Esta sobremeza viene del Origen Antioqueño - Colombia, la mazamorra tambien es conocida como "PETO". Esta rica sobremeza es muy popular ya que despues de un buen almuerzo se sirve la mazamorra en una taza grande con dulce de panela o de bocadillo.
Para preparar una rica mazamorra lo primero que se deve hacer es poner en remojo todo un dia, lo cual coje mas sabor el maiz y lo hace creser, el siguiente paso es ponerlo a hervir en agua para que se pueda consumir.
La mazamorra es una tipica sobremeza que esta por todo el pais, ya que es muy popular por su sabor y poser tan rica a la hora del almuerzo, la mazamorra se puede comer con cualquier dulce, se puede comer fria o caliente o incluso con leche.
A of the table runner more popular in Quimbaya is the mazamorra, becauseof very delicious and to hin drink to any hour of day. The mazamorra to hin to the able eat with candy has the snack, the unrefined sugar ou with the same clear os the mazamorra, for that is very know the mazamorra in the municipe of Quimbaya.
It's table runner to come of origin Antioqueño - Colombia, The mazamorra also is know as "PETO". It's delicius table runner is very population that afterwards of a fine lunch to him to serve the mazamorra in a vase big with candy unrefined sugar u of snack.
For prepare a delicius mazamorra, front wjich to him debit have is to put in soaking all a day for which criypled more savor the corn and the have to grown, the following step is to put to him power consumtion.
The mazamorra is a typical table runner which it's. For all the country, because very population for his lunch, the mazamorra to him power to eat with any candy could or hot and with milk.
It's table runner to come of origin Antioqueño - Colombia, The mazamorra also is know as "PETO". It's delicius table runner is very population that afterwards of a fine lunch to him to serve the mazamorra in a vase big with candy unrefined sugar u of snack.
For prepare a delicius mazamorra, front wjich to him debit have is to put in soaking all a day for which criypled more savor the corn and the have to grown, the following step is to put to him power consumtion.
The mazamorra is a typical table runner which it's. For all the country, because very population for his lunch, the mazamorra to him power to eat with any candy could or hot and with milk.
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