viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

The Cafe

El cafe a sido una de las tradiciones mas importantes de colombia  ya que es uno de los paices que se les facilita su produccion  devido a sus variados climas y extensas tierras de produccion  gracias al cafe, colombia a podido resaltar en tre otros paices el cafe se a dado a conocer como el producto mundial de colombia gracias al cafe colombia a podido conocer y tener una bella costumbre y una  representacion a nivel internacional como uno de los paicese mas ricos en costumbre y enseñansas para cualquier extranjero, cuando los extrajeros vienen a colombia pueden llevar diversas cosas hechas a vase del cafe como postres manillas ponchos camisetas bolsos collares aritos pinsas entre otros objetos artesanal el pais por su baja economia esta perdiendo su dominio en le tema del cafe pero se espera mujorar su calidad y que el gobierno apolle su exportacion y la venta a un presio fornidable y que al colombiano le sirva como renta y asi logremos sacar este país adelante
¡¡Que viva el café colombiano!!

The coffee had been one of the traditions but important of colombia since it is one of the paices that are facilitated their production devido to their varied climates and extensive production lands thanks to the coffee, colombia had been able to stand out in tre other paices the coffee you had given to know as the world product of colombia thanks to the brown colombia had been able to know and to have a beautiful habit and one representation at international level as one of the paicese but rich in habit and enseñansas for any foreigner, when the extrajeros comes to colombia they can take diverse things made to vase of the coffee as desserts handcuffs ponchos T-shirt handbags necklaces hoops pinsas among other handmade objects the country for their low economy this losing their domain in he/she fears him of the coffee but mujorar their quality is expected and that the government apolle its export and the sale to a presio fornidable and that to the Colombian it serves him like rent and let us be able this way to take out this country ahead

¡¡That the Colombian coffee lives!!

Yeison Daniel Nieto (10*2)

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